Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How dental health affects your entire health

Your teeth and your mouth are the ones that need your utmost care. Since you intake every food through your mouth, you seem to consume the bacteria too if it is present in your mouth. The bacteria may get into your blood and cause other severe health issues. So, always check with your dentist when you find any symptoms or pain in your teeth. Continue reading to get a detailed knowledge of how your dental health affects your overall health.

Poor oral health can be associated with severe health conditions. They may include the following.

Endocarditis is an infection of the endocardium (inner lining of the heart). This serious condition occurs when you are affected by bacteria from any other parts of the body. Mostly, the bacteria may spread from your mouth or gums. Those bacteria may pass through your blood and infect the heart or any other parts of the body.

Cardiovascular Disease
Many types of research and medical institutes have proved that the people who encounter a heart attack are more likely to have any kind of dental problems. The bacteria that cause periodontitis are found in the arteries of the heart. When dental health is not taken seriously, it may lead to heart attack and other heart-related problems. Oral bacteria release toxins which may harm the blood vessels and blot clotting is formed very easily. They may also reach the arteries resulting in a heart attack or stroke.

Pregnancy complications
It is common to get dental problems for ladies during their pregnancy. So it is better to have a dental check-up once you have confirmed that you are pregnant. 

As said earlier, bacteria in your mouth can spread to any other parts of your body. One of which is your lungs. Certain bacteria tend to spread in your lungs causing pneumonia and other respiratory problems. Pneumonia is a disease that is mainly caused by a bacterial infection.

There are also other conditions where some diseases may affect your dental health. They are,

If you are a diabetic patient, you have a high chance of getting dental problems that too gum diseases. Diabetes affects your gums, also researches say that people with gum disease find difficulty in controlling their sugar levels.

People who suffer from HIV/AIDS always have serious dental issues.

Smoking and Drinking
A continuous smoker and who intakes a lot of alcohol will have a harder time with their teeth and gums. It causes various gum problems and also the colour of the teeth gets changed.

Follow a good diet and oral health to avoid both your dental problems and diseases that affects your other parts of the body. Make regular visits with your dentist to know your dental condition and stay healthy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Home remedies for maintaining a good oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral health will keep you away from the dentist. Also, maintaining it isn't an easy task. The food habits we follow in our daily lives affect our dental health badly leading to many complicated dental problems. Here a few home remedies to maintain good oral hygiene which will keep you stay away from the dentist.

Remedies for teeth whitening


It is clear that the banana has many health benefits. But, banana peel helps your teeth to clean and stay healthy.
Take a banana peel, rub the inner side of the peel on your teeth and leave it for 30 minutes then wash your teeth.
Banana is rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc.


Vinegar helps in whitening the teeth. Gargling vinegar helps in enhancing your smile. It removes the plaque or stain that is present on your teeth and kills the bacteria over the gums. Vinegar must be used less in quantity as it damages the enamel if used in excess.

Vitamin C

Consume foods that are rich in Vitamin C like lemon, oranges, etc. This whitens your teeth and also helps in cleaning the teeth. It is advisable to brush your teeth after consuming these foods.

Remedies for bad breath


Water is the best remedy for any dental problem. When you don't hydrate, the saliva in your mouth gets reduces. Saliva helps in cleaning the mouth and killing the bacteria. So, intake much water for healthy teeth.


Apple helps in clearing out the bad odour produced by the bacteria in the mouth thereby giving a fresh breath.

Fennel seeds

You can find the fennel seeds in the restaurants. You will be provided with fennel seeds once after completing your meals. Fennel seeds kick out the bad breath and also helps in digestion.

Remedies for toothache


Toothache will be painful and to get rid of the pain, chew a piece of cinnamon. Cinnamon is good for teeth because of its anti-bacterial properties.


Garlic helps in reducing tooth pain. Apply the garlic juice or crushed garlic on the affected tooth to let you free from toothache. Excess usage of garlic may hurt your gums, so use garlic in the initial stage of toothache.

Home remedies will be effective only for the initial stage of the toothache. It is better to visit a dentist if your toothache continues or gets severe.

Remedies for mouth ulcers


Honey is a natural remedy that helps to prevent mouth ulcers. It reduces the pain and the scars in your mouth by hydrating. It also helps in the growth of new tissues. All you should do is just apply honey over mouth ulcer or mix honey with turmeric powder, make a paste and apply it on the infected place.


Coconut oil, coconut water are essential for treating mouth ulcers. Drinking tender coconut water reduces the heat, whereas chewing dry or soft coconut reduces the pain and applying coconut oil directly on the mouth ulcer heals it very soon.

Home remedies will be helpful for the initial stage of your dental problems. If you continue to have these problems, it is better to consult a dentist nearby to prevent complicated dental problems.

Common Dental Condition in Adulthood

As you turn older and older, you could see some changes in your health physically and mentally which includes your dental health too. Adult - This is the stage where you grow, you play, you work. Mostly, it is difficult for adults to maintain good oral hygiene during this period because of their food habits, work tension and many other reasons. As life keeps you busy all the time, it is difficult to maintain your health stable.

Here, we are going to discuss the dental problems that are faced by an adult because of their irregular oral health.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is also known as periodontitis involves inflammation of the gums. Gum disease in middle-aged adults is common due to their bad oral health and smoking habits.

When brushing or flossing the teeth doesn't remove plaque in the mouth, it leads to gum disease. As plaque spreads bacteria, it sticks to the gums and the teeth damaging the gums forming spaces called pockets. Food particles may settle down in those spaces making it difficult for the gums and the teeth. This needs to be treated by a dentist, if left untreated you may tend to lose your teeth.

But, an early stage of gum disease can prevent you from losing your teeth. So, once the gum disease is identified it is better to visit your dentist as soon as possible.

Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is a common problem among adults ageing 40 and above. Gum disease is the major reason for tooth loss. Missing teeth affect your smile and also makes it harder for you to chew your food. When the food is not chewed properly, it leads to other health problems. Missing teeth also affect your fluency while speaking, it also gets hard for you to pronounce certain words. This can be treated by your dentist by replacing your teeth by following methods.

1. Dental Bridges - It is a false tooth that is held in the place of the missing tooth. Dental bridges fill the gap in your smile.

2. Dentures - Dentures are the artificial devices made to replace the missing teeth which are supported by soft and hard tissues.

3. Dental implants - Dental implant is a surgery done by your dentist to place a false teeth root into your jaw to hold the replaced tooth.


Sensitivity is the most common dental problem among adults. When you feel the pain in your teeth when you eat something heat or cold, then you are suffering from a common problem called tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity can be reversed by proper oral health. When it is out of your control, it's to approach your dentist. Your dentist will suggest you desentisizing toothpaste or any other treatment based on your condition.

Oral Cancer

Older adults have a higher chance of oral cancer. It is also known as mouth cancer which affects the lips, mouth or throat. Initially, it appears as a small white or red spot or swelling somewhere in the mouth or throat. Mostly, these are unnoticed at the early stages. It is better to visit an Oncologist or an ENT specialist to get treated. Your dentist will examine your complete dental health profile and the area affected by the cancer cells. Mouth cancer can be treated completely by regular visits with the dentists and maintaining good oral hygiene.

It is important to mention all your dental problems with your dentist while you speak, chew, swallow or move your tongue or jaw. Regular dental check-ups will always keep you away from these above-mentioned conditions. Maintain good oral health for a healthy smile.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Thumb sucking - Simple yet a must breakable concern among the kids

Babies generally suck anything they hold on. Nearly one-third of the babies suck their thumb. This is a common behavior among the children as it gives a comforting zone and gives them a peaceful sleep. Most of the children give up this habit around 2 years of age. But, if your child still couldn't get rid of this habit even after years, then it is something you should really be concerned about.

Complications on thumb sucking

If your toddler continues with the habit, it might affect the jaw or even cause misalignment of the teeth. Following are some common problems which arise when thumb sucking is left blind.

1. Jaw Problems

Continuous thumb sucking may cause a change in the palate or jaw, which also affect the facial structure of your child.  This can be cured easily by consulting an orthodontist or even it can be prevented when you notice the change in your kid at the earliest.

2. Trouble speaking

Thumb sucking may lead to speech disorders like lisping, or they might even find difficult to pronounce few hard consonants like "D" and "T".
Speech impediments make it hard for your children to communicate effectively, which in turn gives an inferiority complex and even raise their stress, anxiety. 

3. Open bite

Open bite occurs normally when the upper and lower teeth do not meet when the jaws are closed. An aggressive thumb sucking leads to Open bite, which definitely needs an orthodontic treatment to your child in the future.
Hence, prevent your child from thumb sucking beforehand.

4. Skin and Nail infection

The skin of those thumbs which is fully engaged in the mouth may get infected and get chapped. 

Here are the ways you can help your child to overcome thumb sucking

1) Stay positive and motivated

A Positive brace is the best solution for any problem. Likewise, keep motivating your child for not sucking their thumbs. And also reward some small surprising gifts if they didn't suck it for the entire day.  

2) Find the Triggering point

Generally, children suck their thumb out of anxiety, loneliness or when they starve. Figure out the exact reason that triggers your kid and give them the right solution. For example, if they do it out of loneliness, engage them into some activity or take them out. 

3) Remind them often

If your kid sucks the thumb without knowledge, rather than scolding or threatening give them some gentle reminders to stop it. If your infant is at the age of understanding things, make them know about the difficulties they would face it in the future.

Can Dentists help?

If you couldn't stop your kid on your own, then seek help from a dentist nearby. A chat with a dentist will make your child realize its seriousness. If you are around Chennai, I would suggest visiting Locus Dental Care in Chennai. 

This dental clinic in Ashok Nagar is specialized in pediatric dentistry and holds special concern on your children.